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Pumpkin Math Day!!

Don’t forget to hop over to Blog Hoppin’ for the Gobble, Gobble Giveaway!!  And check back tomorrow to see the amazing items that 18 of the incredible Blog Hoppin’ authors donated for my Celebrate 300 Giveaway… love those girls!
Last week we celebrated Halloween with a jam-packed day of pumpkin fun… Pumpkin Math Day!  In the morning, we did pumpkin exploration and measuring.  Then, in the afternoon, we had pumpkin food taste tests and played pumpkin math games.

We had plenty of fabulous volunteers on hand to guide students at each of the 12 stations  (6 rotations in the AM and 6 rotations in the PM).  I was excited to find Kristen Smith‘s FREE Pumpkin Week Activities packet because I really loved her recording sheet!     

Since we had 6 tables, each table was covered with a different color of bulletin board paper.  Then we copied Kristen’s Pumpkin Math Recording Sheet 6 times, on each of the six colors, and stapled it into a packet.  It was so easy for students to find their recording sheet for each pumpkin–since it matched the table color!  (and yes, the red table temporarily became the pink table since we didn’t have any red copy paper!)

Students rotated through 6 stations (with various sized pumpkins:  small, medium, and large).  We weighed the pumpkins with a bathroom scale first (since taking the seeds out would change the weight).  Then we measured the height with Unifix cubes, measured circumference with our flexible bear rulers (each bear equals one inch), estimated and counted the number of lines, and estimated and counted the number of seeds.  We counted 10 pumpkin seeds into each coffee filter and stacked them up… then when all the rotations were complete, we counted the filters by 10’s to find the grand total for each pumpkin (to record on our sheet).

We saved the sink and float experiment for later in the day, since our rotations were only about 10 minutes each.  I wish you could see my kiddos faces and hear their cheers!  They are ALWAYS thrilled when the large pumpkin floats!!  Too funny!
I’ll share what we did during the afternoon of Pumpkin Math Day soon… be sure to check back tomorrow for my 300 follower giveaway!!  Don’t miss it!

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