This is my BLANK slate! A plain room with shiny floors and everything pushed to one side of the room.
SO much to do! But, I do love this time of year… as a new classroom community is built!! :o)
Day 1!
Monday was my 1st official day working in my classroom. I got all my furniture set and the carpets shampooed. (No, my rugs will not stay randomly in the middle of the room… although that would be interesting!)
You can see my Promethean board and my library book carpet–2 of my favorite things!
I also washed all my shelves and started cleaning and setting out book tubs. This is one of my work station “nooks”. One of those lovely carpets will go here with the short table and pillows (for listening station).
Day 2!
On Tuesday, I worked on washing up more tubs (these are for Social Studies and Author’s tubs). I also noticed that I need to update some of my labels!
We got a 5th student computer… which was so exciting! (Of course, that also meant making a place for my 5th computer) I got all my other computers hooked up too. You can see my science book tubs and closet door.
I switched out one of my round tables for another rectangle– just learned that I’m up to 27 kiddos!! Can’t wait to put out my chair pockets (my assistant made them, and they match the binder boxes for table colors).
Here’s a close-up of the binder boxes that my assistant’s husband made last year (I’m SO UPSET that she won’t be back this year–she’s amazing!!). We attach their name tag to the Velcro. The baskets are from Really Good Stuff and slide right underneath (for pencils, crayons, glue sticks, and scissors). This saved us SO MUCH time last year… compared to having my EAGLE notebooks in a central location, like I used to have them.
Stay tuned for more updates as my classroom comes together!
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OMG I looooove the "binder boxes" – what a great idea!!!! You are so lucky!
Life of a Kinder Teacher
Thanks so much!!